Premature babies

Introduction to premature babies

A premature baby is when the birth of the baby takes place more than three weeks before the estimated due date. Premature babies, especially if they are born very early, often have complicated medical problems or illnesses.


  • Small size, with a disproportionately large head
  • Due to a lack of fat stores, features may be sharper (less rounded)
  • Low body temperature
  • Labored breathing or respiratory distress
  • Lack of reflexes for sucking and swallowing, leading to feeding difficulties.

Nyah's story

Nyah was born on the 30th of December 2005 which was three months earlier than her expected due date. This meant that she was forced to stay in hospital in an incubator which kept her warm to protect her from infection and can regulate air humidity to maintain the integrity of the skin. She was close to death and in a very dangerous state.

After staying in the incubator for four months she finally left the hospital and went home with her family. She is now healthy and 14 years old living a normal life...

Photos of Nyah then:

Photos of Nyah now: